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“Deliverance From Spirit Spouses”

  Have you ever told yourself or anyone, "I need deliverance!" based on what you know about yourself, your family, or your perception of what deliverance is? I realized most Christians are unaware that after they've made the decision to surrender their life to Jesus, they have to go through a process of deliverance to break the strongholds off their life. But due to a lack of knowledge, we find our souls perishing because of the faulty foundations that have been established in our bloodline for many generations. 

It's been my heart's cry to receive my deliverance since I became aware of what was fueling the demonic patterns and cycles in my life. I've learned from these last fifteen years of my life as a born-again believer that just because you're saved (you've accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior), it doesn’t mean you are delivered from demonic covenants and curses.

Faulty Foundations

      Many of the women in my family are not married. If they get married, they are unhappy in their marriages, infidelity occurs, and it ends quickly in divorce. I noticed the patterns of women in my family having fibroids, stagnant in life, and finding it very difficult to be successful in any way. As soon as they’re about to elevate or a door of promotion opens for them, something absurd happens, and the opportunity is snatched from them. 

Both sides of my parents dabbled in some form of voodoo, witchcraft, divination, and sorcery. They participated in rituals, most of which were rooted in Haitian culture & traditions. However, when I started the process of self-deliverance, God revealed that the source of my issues was predominantly from my mother's side of the family. I have many stories to share and things that God told me concerning covenants and bloodline curses, but to keep this blog short and sweet, there will be a part two or maybe a book. 

My Love Life

  Some of you may know my story, as I've shared bits and pieces on my blog. I've been single for about twelve years (including the 3-5 years in a toxic relationship). Since then, it was like a veil was over me. NO GUY would approach me! If they did, they would have small talk with me, and then POOF, I get ghosted. There'll be a long period of time where years will go by, and no man will talk to me. Once someone approaches me or shows interest, within that same breath, I don't hear from him anymore. After experiencing this so many times, it became a norm for me. I'd find myself praying amiss and convinced myself it wasn't God's timing or I was in a process. Not to say these reasons weren't valid, but there was a curse at work I was unaware of. The fruit was evident, but the root of why it was happening was hidden. 

Encounters with Spirit Spouses

“...but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way..."Matthew 13:25-

   There was a time when I wasn't dreaming or couldn't remember my dreams. I didn't think anything of it until years later when I started deliverance and was exposed to information that my dream life was being manipulated. When I did dream, I remembered having many encounters with spirit spouses that I didn't know existed. There had been many nights, on different occasions, I'd experienced what you may know as "sleep paralysis", and a spirit spouse (incubus) would visit me in my dreams to have sex with me. I remember one of these instances where it felt like I was being raped. I was pinned aggressively to my bed unable to move or scream, and the thought of saying Jesus was merely a whisp. I'd wake up from my sleep aroused with an urge to watch pornography, which planted a seed of lust in me. At the time, no one talked about such things. Even the church I attended for over ten years never taught deliverance from demonic covenants, spirit spouses, the marine kingdom...etc. So I assumed it was primarily me experiencing this.

 Self-Deliverance Journey

“...But through knowledge shall the righteous be delivered…” Proverbs 11:9

My deliverance journey began when I got a hold of this book, Deliverance from Demonic Covenants and Curses” which explained the many things I was experiencing that didn't make sense then. It helped me identify why I was not being approached or pursued. I discovered this spirit husband’s traits and tactics hinder relationships because it is very territorial. Through repeated sexual encounters, it establishes its covenant with you. It impregnates you with the seed of confusion, perversion, and an overpowering feeling of lust. When I started renouncing all curses and covenants that gave these spirit spouses legal grounds, I immediately knew I was hitting my target because the spiritual attacks had increased. 

The more I interceded and repented on behalf of my bloodline, the more I experienced financial hardship and torments in my dreams. It was one thing after another. I felt like I was losing the battle, but the truth is, I was causing havoc in the realm of the spirit. I continued to fast and cry out to God during this process because I was desperate, and He responded to my cry in a dream. 

My Full Deliverance

“Therefore, if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.” John 8:36

  A friend sent me a video on YouTube of Lady Igbego's testimony of being delivered from spirit spouses. Not too long after watching this video, on April 1st 2023, I dreamt that lady Igbego hugged me tightly and whispered, "God will open your eyes in seven days.” That same month after having the dream, my friends and I ran into her for the first time at a conference in Houston. Months later (in July), while in conversation with my friend on the phone, Lady Igbego's name was mentioned, and immediately the Holy Spirit reminded me of the dream I had back in April. I told my friend about the dream, and she urged me to reach out to her immediately, and I did. 

Being in two different states and on such short notice, Lady Igbego's and her husband Apostle Fred made an exception to meet with me via Zoom for my first session. As Apostle Fred was conducting my deliverance on Zoom, he confirmed dreams I had that didn’t make sense before. It started to make sense why demons had appeared to me in my dreams as my late great-grandmother. She would come in my dreams with my favorite Haitian dish to eat, and of course, I'd eat it. I didn't know when I ate the food she gave me in my dreams that I was re-establishing covenants with demons. 

After my session, Lady Igbego and Apostle Fred gave me further information about what God showed them about what I was fighting against and what was cast out. They advised me to meet with them in person to complete my deliverance session. Of course, my journey to Houston didn’t come without a fight. I experienced a lot of spiritual warfare in attempts to hinder me from going to see Lady Igbego and Apostle Fred, BUT GOD MADE IT POSSIBLE!

When I got to Houston, I attended Lady Igbego and Apostle Fred’s church on Sunday. The message preached spoke to what many are struggling with, Breaking Negative Cycles. At the end of the message, Apostle Fred called for anyone who needed prayer who was either not dreaming or unable to remember their dreams to come to the altar. I felt led to go up there for prayer, not knowing my deliverance would continue in that moment. Though my one-on-one deliverance was scheduled for the following day, God met me there. 

Apostle Fred was sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit and moved with urgency. Even after this moment, he and his wife drove 40 minutes to my hotel the next morning to finish my deliverance (which was about a two-hour session). I’m crying as I type this because it shows me how intentional God is concerning my life and destiny. God made sure before entering the month of August (my birth month) that I was FULLY DELIVERED! 

Listen, God is serious about you being set free! One of the things Apostle Fred kept speaking over me is that God will reveal you to your generation. This is why the enemy will fight you from becoming who you are destined to be because there is a generation attached to your destiny, and if you do not fulfill your destiny, the bloodline curse continues. I encouraged anyone reading this, though the curse ran through your bloodline, it will BREAK with you in the name of Jesus! But you need the information to target your enemy.

I want to thank the man and woman of God who didn’t turn me away or delay my deliverance. Thank you, Lady Igbego and Apostle Fred Ogwuche, for your obedience, sacrifice, and carrying the heart of God. I pray God continues to expand your ministry and bless you, indeed! 

Next, I will share life after my deliverance and how to maintain your freedom. Make sure you’re subscribed to our email list to stay updated! 



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